On July 20th I was scheduled to be induced.  Unfortunately that morning when we called the hospital they told us they did not have room for us.  Jeffrey and I were very disappointed.  But that afternoon my doctor stripped my membranes in the hope that I would start labor on my own.  To everyone's happiness, it worked!  I was so afraid that the hospital would send me home and having never gone into labor on my own before I stayed at home till the pain got pretty unbearable (my contractions were never consistent just painful).  

Jeff and I left for the hospital at about 6:05 p.m.  And on the way there Jeffrey actually got pulled over for speeding and just like a classic movie Jeff told the policeman we were on our way to the hospital to have baby.  Luckily the nice policeman let us go even though we didn't have any identification.  Once we got to the hospital the only thing I said to anyone was "I want my epidural." They first sent me to see if I was in the labor (by this time I knew I was) and when they checked me I was at a 7.  So they sent me to the delivery room and when I got there and my doctor checked me I was at a 9.  Then my doctor told me the bad news, "You don't have time for an epidural."  I was completely crushed.  But a few minutes later I started pushing.  

I had to push for about an hour before Molly came out.  I had no idea before how much work goes into have a baby.  I thought it would just be a matter of enduring the pain.  But about halfway through pushing I realized that Molly wouldn't come out unless I pushed her out and I proceeded to have the hardest work out of my life while enduring the worst pain of my life.   Needless to say I have a much higher respect and understanding of women who have babies naturally.  Molly Marie Jacobson was born at 7:55 p.m.  And weighed 9 lbs. 12 ounces.  All the doctors were shocked when she finally came out, no one thought she would be that big and somehow I didn't tear at all (most likely because I was pushing for so long to stretch everything).  

Looking back on labor it actually wasn't that bad, especially seeing my recovery has been awesome! Jeff thinks I should have the rest naturally, I am still on the fence.  But Molly is here and healthy and we are loving having a little girl!


Jessica said...

Ha ha easy for Jeff to say! Wow! She is a cutie, and I love the first pic of the boys holding her, you can already see the love in their eyes!

Sammy said...

I've been waiting for more pictures and the full story. Debbie you are awesome you pushed out a 2 month old! WAY harder than any of my deliveries have ever been. Congrats you guys! Can't wait to see you.

Keegan said...

I've been looking forward to this post! Congratulations, Debbie, what a birth story! She is so cute-- I love her little outfit-- and she resembles her brothers which I think is SO fun! I also love the pictures of the boys holding her; they are seriously frame-worthy. So excited for you and can't wait to meet her next year!

Suzie said...

Debbie Molly is sooo (if I may steal the expression) stinkin cute!!! Her cheeks are chubby like Isaac's! Your labor story sounds crazy and I love that you got pulled over on the way to the hospital. I am super impressed you didn't tear too! I pushed for an hour but I was cut plus tears! You are awesome!

Ryan,Erika,Kaylee and Khloe Pettersson said...

Congratulation guys!!! She is so so so cute!! Wow, I don't know how you pushed for that long without an epidural. I had Khloe naturally also, but only pushed twice before she was out. I did get an episiotomy though so I guess that evens it out :)
You guys have a beautiful family!

Kylee said...

Wow, she is so adorable!!! Debbie you are amazing! I can't even imagine doing what you did, let alone considering doing it again. What a trooper. :) I am so glad that your recovery has been good! You look awesome! I LOVE that picture of Knightley and Mason holding Molly a looking at her. You guys did it again! If you are going to have such cute kids you are going to have to have at least a dozen. :)

Kathy Greer said...

Glad you posted about Molly being born. Love the pictures too! Mom

Kathy Greer said...

Congratulations! We are so glad Molly is here too! I'm so glad I was able to be there when she joined your family.

LisaJones said...

Congratulations! We're so excited for you guys. Those boys are so lucky to have such an adorable little sister! Go Debbie! I'm in awe!